Organization creates structure, improves efficiency, increases productivity, and decreases stress.
Now, you might be thinking, “Cool. That’s all well and good but how do I do it?”
It’s true that despite having a multitude of benefits, becoming organized is easier said than done. Many people don’t know where to start or what exactly to do. But have no fear, organizational tips are here!
Below are seven tips that will help you become more physically organized so that you may reap the psychological and environmental benefits:
1. Write things down: Instead of trying to remember all that you need to do, write it down in a list format. As you accomplish each task, be sure to cross it off. Writing things down on the same notepad or in the same place (like on your phone) is also helpful because it decreases your chances of losing your list.
2. Start using a planner: To remember important, daily obligations, deadlines, and activities, write them down in a planner. A planner will help you know what tasks lie ahead in the next few days, weeks, and even months.
3. Declutter regularly: Keeping unnecessary items creates clutter. To help clear your mind (and your home or work space), be sure to purge your belongings regularly. Feel free to make this process fun! Play some music or watch your favorite movie while you work.
4. Give everything a home: To limit frustration, take time to give each of your belongings a "home" so they are easy to find. Be sure to return items back to where they belong when you are finished using them.
5. Contain small items: Small, loose items also create unnecessary clutter. To eliminate this, use containers to keep “like” items together. You can make this step more enjoyable by using cute, aesthetically pleasing containers.
6. Utilize labels: To make contained items easy to find, use labels. Labeled containers are convenient and make putting items back where they belong easier.
7. Create unique systems: There is no such thing as one right way to organize your belongings. A system that works for one person may not work for someone else, and that's okay! Be persistent and find what works for you (fyi: a great place to find inspiration is Pinterest).
All right, there you have it! Seven tips to help you become more organized. Now, please know that these tips are not all-encompassing. There are many other steps that you can take to become more organized. The tips listed above are simply stepping stones to help you begin a fun, unique journey towards organizational success.